Yes, Your Normal! Find That Out in Our Women’s Support Group, La Verne, Facilitated by Ilissa Banhazl, MFT

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Ever notice that things don’t seem quite as bad when you tell a good girlfriend? There’s nothing like a group of women who can turn your tears into laughter. Or cry with you! Why go it alone?

Heck yes, your normal! In-group, watch as the women relate to your experience and listen as women describe feelings that you can relate to. We only feel different when we isolate and keep our thoughts to ourselves. It tends to magnify and can distort things.

When you tell your story out loud and no one judges you but rather supports you; you’ll feel better about yourself. Someone may share or say something that gives you a new look at an old problem.

It’s a compassionate group where you can feel safe. Please know that, “What’s said in group, stays in group!”

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