Yes, Your Normal! Find That Out in Our Women’s Support Group, La Verne, Facilitated by Ilissa Banhazl, MFT

Join a women's support group, La Verne

Call to learn more about group- (626) 335-0903

Ever notice that things don’t seem quite as bad when you tell a good girlfriend? There’s nothing like a group of women who can turn your tears into laughter. Or cry with you! Why go it alone?

Heck yes, your normal! In-group, watch as the women relate to your experience and listen as women describe feelings that you can relate to. We only feel different when we isolate and keep our thoughts to ourselves. It tends to magnify and can distort things.

When you tell your story out loud and no one judges you but rather supports you; you’ll feel better about yourself. Someone may share or say something that gives you a new look at an old problem.

It’s a compassionate group where you can feel safe. Please know that, “What’s said in group, stays in group!”

Want more information on the women’s group?

Have You Been Looking for a Women’s Support Group in La Verne or Glendora; Well Look No Further! Facilitated by Ilissa Banhazl, MFT

Join a women's support group, relationships, Glendora

Look for the purple sofa!
Ladies Night Out!

Our Women’s Support Group meets on Tuesday evenings from 6pm until 7:30pm in my Glendora office. The group is facilitated by Ilissa Banhazl, marriage and family therapist. The fee is $45 per session and there is PPO reimbursement.

Please call for more information and to set up a free 1/2 hour consultation for us to meet and discuss group and your needs. This way I can answer your questions and you can see if we are a good fit for you!

Don’t hesitate. The women are really special and growing closer each week. We’d love to have you join our little family. Maximum of 8 women in the group so everyone has time to share.

When you begin to share and learn that you are not alone in your experiences or feelings; that’s when you start to realize that there is hope. We gain strength from one another.

Would this group add to your life? If so, click here…

Women’s Process & Support Group Glendora Facilitated by Ilissa Banhazl, MFT

Join women's support group, Glendora

Look for the purple sofa!
Don’t you need this?

Our women’s support group is thriving! Women show up each week knowing they will be happy to see one another and eager to share the last week’s events.

Sometimes we talk about a relationship issue and thinking about whether to stay or go, how to communicate better to get your needs met.

Sometimes we talk about self-esteem and the negative or positive things we tell ourselves each day. “What we feel comes directly from what we think.”

Sometimes we celebrate one another’s successes like getting offered a new job or a new man in your life! We are so proud of and happy for one another.

Some of the women are thinking about dating and we talk about effective ways to date.

Other times we share parenting stories, especially if someone is struggling with his or her teen, young child or adult child. It’s amazing how much the women relate to one another’s experiences and feelings.

We never know what the topic of conversation until the women arrive. You can talk about anything that you need to talk about.

You deserve to take up space and for caring women to listen to you. You need somewhere you can go and receive support for your perspective on things.

Don’t hesitate to call for more information. (626)  335-0903

You deserve this; you NEED this! Give yourself the gift of joining a women’s support group in Glendora. You’ll feel better and you’ll be a better mom, wife, partner, etc, if you are getting your own needs met?

We meet on Tuesday evenings from 6pm until 7:30 pm. The fee is $45 per meeting. PPO reimbursement is available.

 Contact Ilissa today for more information about the group

Tell your friends in other cities like La Verne, Upland, Covina, Claremont, Rancho, Chino Hills. etc. about the women’s group. It may be just what they need too…

Women’s Process & Support Group Going Strong! by Ilissa Banhazl, MFT

join a women's support group in Glendora, CA

Friendship begins in group!

We are in the middle of our second group. More women have joined and others have remained from the prior 8 week commitment. The group is ongoing so you may join at any time. I only accept 8 women so that everyone has a chance to talk. We have 6 women now. It’s a really close group of women and they tell me that they get what they need from being a part of the group.

The group is focusing on women starting over, going through a divorce or separation, loss, relationship issues, parenting, body image, self-esteem, dating again and more. The ages of the women in group are late 20’s to 60’s. Are you someone who would add to and benefit from group at this time in your life? If so, give me a call. (626) 335-0903. We only have 2 more seats for this go around, but I’d be happy to meet with you at no charge to see if this group is a good fit for you. Call me if you’d like to learn more. (626) 335-0903

$45 per meeting, 8 week commitment, PPO Reimbursement available!

Women’s Process & Support Group for women in Glendora, La Verne, Covina, Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Claremont, any other city welcome! Please click here to link directly to my website.

Women’s Support/Process Group Meets at a New Time? Can You Make It?

Are you looking for group therapy in Glendora?

Call for more information-

Our support group meetings will be meeting from 6pm until 7:30pm on Tuesday evenings. This is better for women who need to put their children to sleep, do homework, etc.

If this new time works for you, please call for more information. Two new women recently joined and we’d love to have you too.

Please call for a meeting with me at no charge; to see if this group meets your needs. (626) 335-0903

You can talk about anything!

Common topics are:

1. Relationships

2. Self-esteem

3. body image

4. Being single

5. Dating

6. After a Divorce

7. Loss

8. Parenting

Add your own topic…

Want to join the women’s support/process group right now?

Women’s Support Group Glendora Starts Again on Tuesday January 8, 2013

groups purple sofaWould you like to join a women’s support group? You can share, vent, receive support and validation, help other women, make new friends, learn new skills. It’s an experience you’ll treasure! Call for more information, Ilissa Banhazl, MFT at 626-335-0903,

What is a Women’s Support Group? An Experience You’ll Treasure! by Ilissa Banhazl

I am a marriage and family therapist, (MFT) in private practice in Glendora. I facilitate a women’s support group. In my women’s support group you can share about yourself, learn about “you”

Call for information or to join a women's support group in Glendora

Now there’s only 2 seats left!

and others. Each week you will become more comfortable in your group and look forward to the night you get to be in a safe and caring place with your new friends. Many times in your personal life you can feel judged and misunderstood. In a women’s support group, you will experience empathy, respect and validation of your experiences and feelings. You will hear different ideas and problem solve if you wish, while receiving encouragement. As your facilitator, I will introduce topics relevant to the group such as self-esteem and better skills for communication.

It’s nice to have a place where you can be yourself and it’s important to carve out time for yourself. Weeks fly by while you’re taking care of everyone else. You can be more effective in all your relationships when you practice self-care and give yourself the gift of caring women friends.

If you’d like to read more about group therapy, please visit my website at:

Hope to hear from you. We’d love to welcome you into the Women’s Support Group in Glendora.

We resume in two weeks. Call for more info at 626-335-0903. Set up a meeting time at no charge, to learn more about the group and share about yourself.

Women are welcome from all surrounding cities- La Verne, Upland, Rancho, San Dimas, Covina, Azusa, Claremont and more!

Women’s Support Group Meets This Tuesday Evening in Glendora, Ilissa Banhazl, MFT

Call to learn more about the Women's Support Group!

Call to learn more about the Women’s Support Group!

We are meeting this week on Tuesday at 8pm in my office. We have one more meeting before we break for the holidays. We will resume in January. You may call for more information at anytime. I’d be happy to discuss with you how group works and learn more about your situation and needs at no charge. Here are some of the topics we discuss in group. Feel free to bring your own!

1. Relationships

2, Anger

3. Anxiety & Stress

4. Parenting & Co-parenting

5. Going through or Recovering from Divorce, Relationship Ending or Loss of a Loved One

6. Starting over on your own

7. Intimacy and sex

8. Work & school

9. Self-Esteem

I also suggest great books to read and we discuss the concepts in group as they relate to our lives.

I am a marriage and family therapist and I facilitate the group, so it is safe and respectful yet authentic!

Fee: $45 per meeting.

Please call for more information now… 626-335-0903


Women’s Group Breaks For The Holidays, But You Can Still Join Now!

Join women's support group, Glendora

Look for the purple sofa!

Most us are busy preparing for the holidays. It’s hectic, but can also be a lot of fun. A lot depends on your perspective and circumstances.

Women are especially busy this time of year and because of that we will take a break from group for the holidays on December 24th until January 1st, 2013. However, you can still join now and it’s never too soon to gather information and make a plan for the beginning of the new year! (626-335-0903)

My Women’s Support Group will continue after the holidays. If you think you would benefit from support, information and an interpersonal experience please call for more information. If you want to join the group, you and I can meet one time without any fee. During our time one on one you will learn more about the group and you and I can get to know one another better. It’s like free counseling!  : )

Topics Covered in Group 

1. Relationships

2. Self-Esteem

3. Starting Over

4. Loss

5. Dating

6. Parenting

7. Stress

8. Body Image

9. Sex and more…

Planning ahead? Want more information about Group?

Tuesday- Women’s Support Group Resumes

join a women's support group in Glendora

2 seats left!

After taking a break for Thanksgiving, my women’s support group will be meeting again in my office in Glendora on Tuesday evening, November 27th from 8pm until 9:30. If you’d like to join us or get more information please call me, Ilissa Banhazl, MFT at (626)- 335-0903 . It’s really something special!

All topics relevant to women are welcome!